The website is the property of SOKA, a limited liability company with a capital of € XXX registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number XXX. Headquartered at 107 rue du Moulin – Sarrazin 95100 Argenteuil.

This site is hosted by Digital Ocean, a company located at 101 Avenue of the Americas, New York 10013, United States of America.
The server containing the site’s data is located in Amsterdam, within the European Union.

The collected personal data on this site are, as the case may be:
the surname, first name, email, company, telephone, postal address and /or IP address of the user.

This personal data is collected to ensure the commercial relationship between SOKA and the customer and to respond to messages sent by the user.
These personal data are kept for a maximum of 3 years.
The protection of your personal data is ensured by the encryption of site communications in HTTPS and by regular security updates of the site and its server.
You can at any time consult, modify and delete your data by contacting us at

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